
RPRY takes great pride in our sports teams. We are a member of the Yeshiva Middle School Sports Association (YMSSA) for Basketball and Hockey. Students in grades 6 – 8 have the opportunity to try out for RPRY’s sport teams. RPRY currently offers:
- 5th – 8th Grade Boys Hockey Team
- 6th Grade Boys Basketball Team
- 7th Grade Boys Basketball Team
- 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team
- 6th Grade Girls Basketball Team
- 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Team
RPRY’s Athletic Paperwork:
- Directions for Sports Physical paperwork
- RPRY’s Athletic Physical Form
- Health History Questionnaire
- Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes
- Cardiac Sign Off Form
- Concussion Fact Sheet and Acknowledgement Form
- Opiod Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet
- Opioid Use and Misuse Digital Signature
- Sports Related Eye Injury
RPRY’s believes that grade school athletic competition should be fun, but must also be a significant part of a sound educational program. Upon acceptance to a team, students and parents are expected to sign and adhere to the Player-Parent contract.
Team members are expected to demonstrate exemplary behavior, sportsmanship and Derech Eretz, as well as maintain a ‘C’ average (or above) in all subject areas.
Coaches are held to a similar high standard. We believe that those who coach students are, first and foremost, teachers who have a duty to assure that their sports programs promote the development of good character. We believe that the essential elements of character-building are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and five core ethical values: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, and caring. We believe, further, that the highest potential of sports is achieved when coaches are committed to the ideal of pursuing victory with honor and dignity. RPRY coaches are held to our Coaches Code of Conduct.
In the past, RPRY has won division and championship titles. We hope to continue this tradition in a way that exemplifies the high standards, values and moral conduct for which RPRY and its students have been known.
Learn more about our in-school Physical Education on our General Studies page.